Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mother's Day Mini's

Book Your session today! If this day books fast, I might have the 22nd opened But I want to see if it fills first.

What a great gift to do or give to your mom! Any mom would love this. Moms are usually the ones taking the photos. " Like me!"
So lets have a mothers day session just for you and your kiddos!
More info on the session. 
Make sure to email me!
I will give more details

Session fee is due that day. If you have to cancel. Please Cancel 24 hours before your session So I can fill the space! Thank you and Hope to see you on the 21st!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quince meets camera

So a few weeks ago I wanted to do some more photos of my daughter. It was fun and she is such a girly girl. She found my an older camera I use to use. Its a film, Minolta, camera. I used this when I first started until 2009.
Quincie is looking at it. I'm just shooting away at her. I say to her, "Quincie turn the lens. You will be able to see me."
"Wow!" she says.
I show her how to wind it and just adjust the lens so she can see me. She thinks its so neat. Which makes my heart melt. When we were done, she asks. "Where can I see the pictures?"
I laugh, "This is an older camera, It dot digital. It is suppose to have film in it and then you wind it up and get it developed."
"Well, that was a waste of time!"
There was no film in it. I told her I would get her a little camera for her birthday if she was a good girl! :) She is excited and still wanted to use the old camera.
Just so cute to see my daughter looking and adjusting my old camera. I took that camera everywhere with me. It was like my little baby.
Just wanted to share with others what I thought was such a neat thing. Enjoy!

Friday, March 2, 2012

5 yrs Wedding Photography

So I am getting more emails about Weddings. Price. Bookings. I was thinking to myself, "How long have I been doing this?"
 Wow 5 years, this year. I started in 2008. The first wedding I did was for a friend. Its funny but she asked me to do them, and I never considered wedding photography. Not at that time. Its a big step. A big job. I was only taking Senior, Family, Children, and landscape. This was all taking with film until 2008! Which I did end up getting a Nikon DSLR Camera. But I didn't want to take a risk with a Wedding using my Minolta Film camera.  She asked me how much I would charge. Umm, NOTHING! ;) First off, my husband (bf at the time) was IN the Wedding. Second, I have never shot a Wedding before. 3rd, I have never shot a wedding before....
I definitely would never take any money from anyone shooting my first wedding (for me). I did it, and had fun. It was just so exciting to capture such an amazing milestone in a persons life. She love the photos. I had many people ask me that year.

More about me
So rewind, I have been taking Portraits and landscapes and just everything and anything in 2002. It started in my 11th grade Photography Class with Mrs Smith!! Then I did it again in 12th. When I graduated I just still continued taking photographs. Everything and anything. (best way to learn) I took some senior photos for friends that year in 2002. Then word of that kind of talk, spreads so fast. I don't think I really stopped taking photos. When I worked full time after I graduated. I had coworkers ask me to take photos. I wanted to do it for a living. But never really thought of it. I just did it for extra money. I did check out Photography Schools in Rockport and Portland. But I just couldn't afford it. Rockport was outta my $$$ range. I do wish I went to Portland when I was younger. That would have been great knowledge and experience.
But I think of the people I have worked with in the past. They are the best and I am so grateful to get the experience from each one of them. I would not trade that, for the world. I would have missed all of the people I have met and shot if I did go. So I am grateful.

I became a business in 2010. Which now I am learning so much stuff in the Business area. Headache sometimes.  Business part of it takes alot of your time.
I think photography and about Lisa Lynn Photos from when I wake up to when I go to bed. {My kids are first of course. I am lucky to be home with them.}I usually have a note book near me. Just in case of an idea.
I am in the process of working on my studio. Cleaning it is the first step. I am super excited about! I have a blog about that. Read!
"Love my job!" I say this alot. I am very proud of what I have become and what I will learn and do in the future!
I always think of this quote below whenever I get in a funk.
"Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming." -Finding Nemo
Oh yes, I did just quote Finding Nemo.

Thank you for reading!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New things to come!

Starting this month, I will be in the progress of building my studio! First off cleanin! It is located in Rockland. It will convenient for local clients. I am hoping to have everything or be in there by end of this year! Yay! I will post more when I get started. Wish it wasn't snowing today. I would be there now! This will not effect photo-sessions.

Photo support

Pro Photo Support

So the new buzz, a support system for Pro Photographers. Looks like there going to launch a site where photographers can help other photographers. Hey I'm in. I love this idea and hope my photo friends check it out. :)

Click on link above.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Faith & Sam

Love is Sweet

First photo session for these two. You would have never known that, because they seemed like they knew what they were doing. :) These two are so in love. They have there hands and arms in twined with eachother and there movements were the same beat. Just natural and a perfect couple.
It was pretty chilly outside. But they didnt mind. It is good to see love in the air.

To the couple: If you can get 10 people to be a fan of my Facebook page. Write on my wall, F+S=<3 
 And have them show some love on this blog. You will get a little surprise! :)

Please dont copy, crop or edit my images.

March for Babies

Walk for somthing good. May 6th 2012

Its that time of year again! I am the team captian of Lisa Lynn Photos. This will be my 3rd year walking! I am so happy that I am supporting such a wonderful cause. Last year they asked my team if we wanted to do the count down and to be the team leader. I didnt walk the whole route. I was pregnet and I couldnt do it. But I know my team did great. I want to keep it going. :) I hope to get everyone who walked in 2010 and last year! To go past our goal and to have a great time doing it. On walking show everyone we did it! :)

Info on why we are walking:

Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And I need your help.

Please support my walk. Making a secure donation is easy: just click the 'donate now' button on this page. Thank you for helping me give all babies a healthy start!
The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Your gift will support March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

If you would like to help by donating. Please go to my page below. Thank you so much!!
Team Lisa Lynn Photos

I will keep updating about this and will post photos on walk day! Which is May 6th 2012!!!


Tag your it!

The winner is Holly! Sent her awesome gift certificate in the Mail. She has won a 20.00 photo session with me. :) Thank you to everyone who entered the contest! Will be doing more fun things like this. So keep checking my fb page!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


A few days ago, I wanted to mess around with my new lights and awesome backgrounds. So my wonderful friend of mine said she would love too. We try to get together while our bf's hangout. :) so here is a few!! She is such a beautiful person. Inside and out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Working working

All work and no play.
I helped my husband with some office stuff. But I just can't help but to take photos too. Bowleys garage warren Maine!!
My husbands awesome tree. He needs to put this away already. Thank goodness his customers can's see it. lol

:) see I can help out the Biz hehe.